About Me

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Woah, That's What You Wanna Be?

If I were "forced" to get a job and the school would range from preschool-8 grade, I would want to be an English/Literature teacher. For starters, that's the one class I get straight A's in. And plus, all my English/literature teachers have been amazing teachers and have truly taught me a lot. I absolutely love reading. People say that I'm a "fast reader" pffft, nah I'm not. But that doesn't stop me from reading. I have my own little bookshelf with over 100 books and I've read every one more than twice. I go to the library almost every day just to check out books all because I've finished the ones I got the day before. I recently read this book called 'Legend' and I actually finished it in less than a day. That's how good it was. I also have a strange addiction with Harry Potter :)
I also love writing. I don't usually write but if I start, you can expect me to be writing page after page after page. When I was little, I always wanted to write a book and I actually did write one. It was about a princess who's parents were always fighting so she ran far far away and acted as if she weren't royalty at all. I wrote it on random sheets of loose leaf paper and my mom put it all in a folder and put it in the basement. But the basement flooded once and the folder was ruined. But anyways. :)
If I were an  English/Literature teacher, i would probably be the happiest I've ever been. :)

Monday, November 21, 2016

My Gratitude List

I was sitting in Mrs.Joyner's while my class was talking about Cailou conspiracy theories. I laughed and realized I had a lot to be thankful for. 

1. My family who's been there for me no matter how crazy I act at home. I'll be forever grateful for them. 

2. My best friends (Amrah, Janie, Skylar) because they've accepted the fact that I'm a crazy person who's always tired.

3. The people in my school/class. Since we have a somewhat small school, we know a lot about each other and there's not much bullying that happens in this grade since we've all accepted each other for who we are. 

4. The teachers we have at GMS. They're always there to help us with whatever and are people who we know we can trust. 

5. My extended family. They're really helpful and are people that have helped my family through a lot of tough times.

6. The food my mom makes. She's a really good cook and has taught me to make a lot of good food. :)

7. The community in which we live in. Everyday, I read about bad things happening in America and I'm so glad that the community we live in isn't like that

8. The technology we're provided. Without technology, I don't know what I'd be doing at home and school would be 10x more boring

9. Books. Without books, I probably wouldn't even have the 1% of imagination I have right now.

10. While we're on the topic of books, I'm also really grateful for the Harry Potter series. That will forever be my favorite series. 

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Food Glorious Food

Hot Cheetos. I'm in love with them. When I was young, my Mexican friend gave me something to try. It was really red. I put it in my mouth and internally died. It was really hot. But then, I slowly started liking them and now, I have an unhealthy obsession with hot Cheetos. Whenever I'm sick, my mom buys them for me. My mom hates them. My siblings hate them. My dad hates them. i love them.
Image result for hot cheetos

I also really enjoy strawberry ice cream. I used to hate it but since the starting of 8 grade, I love it. I love strawberries and the fact that I can get two of my favorite things (ice cream and strawberries) in one is beyond amazing. People say strawberries are "bad" and that "they've had enough of strawberries" but like, you can never get enough of strawberries and ice cream. 

Thursday, October 20, 2016

My Childhood Favorite

Once, when I was 5 years old, I turned on my TV and what did I see? I saw a yellow sponge talking to a pink starfish. I watched it and realized that I actually enjoyed it. I watched it for many weeks and realized that the TV show had a name. SpongeBob SquarePants. I'm 13 years old now and SpongeBob is still my favorite show. Although I think SpongeBob made me stupider, I still love it. SpongeBob taught me to never judge others because you don't know what they're like on the inside. 
I also really enjoyed eating home made cupcakes and cake when I was younger. My mom's mom loved baking and my mom used to love it too. I loved watching my mom bake and now baking is a hobby of mine. I love baking but now my mom hates it since she doesn't like eating sweet things anymore. 
I also really liked Dora because she taught me a new language (Spanish) and I loved watching her and Boots go on different adventures. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Time I Took a Trip That Changed My Life (Not Really)

About 3 years ago, when I was a wee little 10 year old in 5 grade (time really does fly by), my parents got up one day and said "Why not, during winter break, we got to Pakistan (my home country)?" My dad didn't go with us but the rest of my family went. Oh if you didn't know this, I have three siblings. 
So we went & usually the airplane food is disgusting but the food we had on that trip wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. 
We had a lot of fun in Pakistan & I got to see my older male cousins. The last time I saw them (before this trip) was when I was 4. Now, those male cousins & I, talk almost everyday and we share a lot of goofy stories. 
I want to go back one day to see how much has changed but at the same time I wanna stay here cause if I go, I'll miss a lot of school & remaking tests & homework assignments is a real pain the neck. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Favorite Quotes

I love this quote because nowadays, there's a problem with guys falling in love with girls because of their bodies (yikes) and a quote like this just seems so cute and beautiful. It might be short, but it holds a whole lot of meaning.