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Friday, March 3, 2017

A Review for the Best Movie I've Seen

The movie I'm about to write a review about is an Indian movie that was pretty sad but it's amazing. 
Raees is the name of the amazing movie I'm talking about. Basically, there's this guy named Raees (his name means wealthy) and he lives in a place (Gujarat) where selling/drinking liquor is illegal. But that's literally the biggest business in Gujarat. Raees' mentor is one of the biggest sources of liquor and after his 'unfortunate' death, Raees takes his spot. A police man then is on Raees' tail to arrest him. A series of events happen that will make you feel pity, sadness, and happiness for Raees. But at the end, when something big happens, this movie will stick with you for a while. I remember that after the intermission, when the movie was getting really good, it was also really sad to see everything unfolding and I actually wouldn't stop crying. I could see one small pic from the movie and i could burst out in tears. 
Okay but anyways, I know you guys probably won't watch this movie but I needed to get out how good this movie is.
 Image result for raees

Image result for uncontrollable crying
literally me when I was watching the movie 


  1. there's a random space in the second line but other than that your really good!
