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Saturday, March 11, 2017

My Favorite Field Trip

My favorite field trip by far is the field trip to Springfield. We took these "coach buses" and it was actually really fun. I think we had to leave at 6 so technically, we had to get there at 5:45. And if you know me, I can never get enough sleep so I was pretty tired. Okay but anyways, the trip was pretty fun. The people I was sitting by were amazing and we were cracking some jokes and what not. We went to this really cool museum and after we went to McDonald's. The best part of when we were in McDonald's was when my friend spilled her drink. It doesn't sound funny, but trust me it was. 
After, we went to see Abraham Lincoln's grave. Then we went to Chuck E Cheese's and even if I was 12, it was actually amazing. Then we got on the bus again, on which we all started singing random songs together, and we went home. 
Springfield was pretty fun :)

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